Watertown Public Schools

In-Person & Virtual Instruction

District Size: 2,400 Sutdents | Grades Served: Pre-school to Grade 12 | 20+ Years of Partnership

Watertown, MA:

Our School District consists of approximately 2,400 students that are being educated each year. LearnWell typically provides virtual tutoring and hospital tutoring services to approximately 20-25 students annually throughout our 3 elementary schools, 1 middle school and 1 high school.

Why did you choose LearnWell?

We chose LearnWell due to the ability to easily get a tutor in a quick timeline and the hourly rate for tutoring was a very comparable rate.

What do you think LearnWell is exceedingly good at?

LearnWell is very good at getting available tutors to fill our requests in a very reasonable amount of time.

How can organizations like ours best support students?

By keeping consistency in the student’s lives. This is the most important part.

How can organizations like ours best support students?

By keeping consistency in the student’s lives. This is the most important part.

How does LearnWell compliment what you do?

LearnWell uses the student’s work, which is given to them from the school contacts, to provide instruction and assistance that goes along with what is being taught in school while the students are out.

This case study was responded to by administrative employees that work in the district.

How Can We Help You?

If you’re responsible for the education program for student-patients at a behavioral health center, we understand your unique set of challenges. Contact us to learn more about how LearnWell can help you achieve your (and their) goals today.

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