Worcester Public Schools

In-person and Virtual Instruction

District Size: ~24,000 Students | Grades Served: K-12 | 12+ Years of Partnership

Waorcester, MA

Worcester Public Schools is an Urban school district which services around 24,000 students annually. On average, they have ~280 student on home and hospital services each year.

33 Elementary Schools | 6 Middle Schools | 7 High Schools

What do you think LearnWell is exceedingly good at?

LearnWell has always been great at communication with me regarding our students. My contacts there have always been quick to respond and willing to provide me with assistance.

How can organizations like ours best support students?

Both partners focusing on technology and remote learning (both synchronous and asynchronous) will continue to be a fruitful endeavor.

How does LearnWell compliment what you do?

LearnWell seems to always put our students first. When I have communicated with their tutors it really shows that they care about our students and providing them with a positive experience while they are not able to medically attend school.

This case study was responded to by administrative employees that work in the district.

How Can We Help You?

If you’re responsible for the education program for student-patients at a behavioral health center, we understand your unique set of challenges. Contact us to learn more about how LearnWell can help you achieve your (and their) goals today.

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