How to Reduce the Hassle of Managing Teachers in Your Hospital or Behavioral Health Clinic in 2017 2017 brings a number of interesting challenges to hospitals and behavioral health clinics. From rising costs of healthcare to changing business models and a growing...
What is the Role of Education in the Recovery of a Child? Often, when a child is ill or needs behavioral health treatment, education is the last thing on a guardian’s mind. They’re focused on the day-to-day management of their child’s care: communicating with doctors...
How You Can Create a Successful Hospital Education Program for Student-Patients For many hospitals and care providers working with student-patients, a quality hospital education program can be a key differentiator; yet developing an education program can be...
Nine Tips to Help You Create a “Classroom” Curriculum for Your Hospital Student-patients face many challenges when they enter a hospital for treatment. Many patients may miss a few days of school a month, while others may miss an entire year. The obvious challenge is...
What is a Student-Patient? …what are their challenges, and how can we address them? Whether you’re a program administrator at a hospital, behavioral health center, rehabilitation center, a concerned parent, or a member of the school system, chances are that you’re...