SAT Prep in New York and New Jersey When does a student have time to prepare themselves for the SAT test if they are already racing to keeping up with their extensive list of daily responsibilities? This question is one that parents and students face each year as they...
How to Reduce the Hassle of Managing Teachers in Your Hospital or Behavioral Health Clinic in 2017 2017 brings a number of interesting challenges to hospitals and behavioral health clinics. From rising costs of healthcare to changing business models and a growing...
What is the Role of Education in the Recovery of a Child? Often, when a child is ill or needs behavioral health treatment, education is the last thing on a guardian’s mind. They’re focused on the day-to-day management of their child’s care: communicating with doctors...
How You Can Create a Successful Hospital Education Program for Student-Patients For many hospitals and care providers working with student-patients, a quality hospital education program can be a key differentiator; yet developing an education program can be...
Nine Tips to Help You Create a “Classroom” Curriculum for Your Hospital Student-patients face many challenges when they enter a hospital for treatment. Many patients may miss a few days of school a month, while others may miss an entire year. The obvious challenge is...
What is a Student-Patient? …what are their challenges, and how can we address them? Whether you’re a program administrator at a hospital, behavioral health center, rehabilitation center, a concerned parent, or a member of the school system, chances are that you’re...